
This blog is for the students of COMM 100C. It will contain a mix of information for the class as well as student posts on relevant material.

COMM 100C is one of three required upper division courses for the Communication major at UC San Diego.
This course is an introduction to mass media as social, political, and economic institutions. In this course we will discus how the seemingly arcane world of telecom development, regulation (or lack thereof) affect our lives. Some prominent themes will include: the logic behind organizing mass media as a profit-making enterprise in a democracy; the notion of mass media as a public good; the concept of a public interest; legal regulation of media technologies and of cultural industries; interactions between “the media” and “civil society.” An important theme will be the role of mass media in social, political, economic, and cultural change. Here we will examine debates about both old and new media (Internet, mobile, digital technologies) as possible agents of such change.

The authors of this blog will be the students of COMM 100C as well as the teaching team.

During Summer Session II, the instructor of COMM 100C will be John E. Armenta

jearmenta at ucsd dot edu Twitter: @johnarmenta

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